Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Aahhh... retirement.

Somehow I thought the couches at retirement were going to be bigger...

OneTooth continues to learn and enjoy life off the track. He is eager to please and can easily switch from lounging around, to a good long walk to an intense came of tennis ball tossing in the yard, or better yet chasing squirrels. Whatever you want to do is just fine with him! We have met several large dogs on our walks, and he is friendly and eager to great everyone, hound and human alike. The neighbor kids love to pet him through the fence and he just leans into them with his eyes closed with contentment at all the scritches.

He is tolerant of just about everything I have tried to do to him. You can even snuggle right up to him on his dogbed for a shared snooze if you want. He is not afraid of slippery floors, or stairs... he doesn't even move all the time when the vaccum cleaner gets close enough to touch him. Would you like to add this confident fella to your couch?